UEF FEDERAL COMMITTEE, 12-13 December 2014
Federalists all over Europe come together after the European elections to discuss what is the Federalist input to the shaping of the next EU institutional reforms. This is the first Federal Committee following the election of new Secretary - General and the joint UEF - JEF Meeting on External Affairs.
The contribution to UEF Federal Committee is of 80€ both for Delegates and Observers, and allows all participants to attend the dinner organised on Saturday 13 December. Without dinner, the FC contribution is of 50€.
A reduced contribution applies to participants under 25, students and jobseekers: 20€ without dinner, 50€ with dinner. Other participants wishing to apply for a reduced contribution should contact UEF Bureau.
This Federal Committee contribution should preferably be paid before 1st december 2014 by bank transfer to:
Union of European Federalists
BNP Paribas Fortis
Agence Euro - Parlement Européen
Rue Wiertz 60B-1047 Brussels
National transfer: 210-0376095-78
International transfer: IBAN BE69 2100 3760 9578 / BIC GEBABEBB
Communication: ‘SURNAME - UEF FC DECEMBER 2014’
Registration is now closed.
Registration deadline was 30 November 2014.
Should you have registered in time, you will receive a registration confirmation by Wednesday 3 December 2014.
Proxy Form